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A member registered Feb 10, 2021

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demo looks amazing! how much will it cost in USD when finished

For my playthrough I picked the blonde hair tanned skin MC so that's reflected in my fanart. I was thinking about the MC's death scene at the end of season 1 haha... hope you like it!

i played all of oathbreaker 1 twice and the three first chapters of oathbreaker 2. and it took me until this chapter to realize demon speak was just regular sentences spelled backwards. Ive just been guessing what theyre trying to say or making up random lines. Im so stupid.

she was regularly passing out from the pain of her cramps and never thought "huh, maybe i should get this checked out"?????? at this point im pretty sure she could be coughing up period blood every month and just laugh it off like the girlboss she is

Can you add a scene in the Dimitri storyline where the MC gets tested for endometriosis or some shit cuz god DAMN someone please get my girl to a gynecologist  

(1 edit)

I downloaded it for Mac and when opened it just shows a black screen? I see other people have the same problem when downloading on Mac, will this be fixed?

That's absolutely hilarious thank you for responding!!! I didn't even realize all the character's default names were a play on the abbreviation of Main Character that's so smart!!! Looking forward to playing as Maia in Christmas Otome :))

I LOVED this game. Halloween Otome surprised me for how good it was and Valentines took it on a whole different level with the character's personalities and interactions as well as the weekly planner system. Daire's route was by far my favorite and Mira's personality is super unique from any other otome game I've played. I do have one question though, like why is Mira's full name Miranda Cosgrove?????? Is it like an inside joke or something????? Because Miranda Cosgrove is the name of the actress who played Carly in the Disney Channel show iCarly and it really caught me off guard and I'm super surprised no ones talking about it.

will the full version cost money? if so, how much in USD? The demo looks amazing by the way!!!

Wow I just played through the game for the first time and it's amazing! I love all the characters and I especially love the character interactions and how realistically you portrayed Ren's struggle to intigrate into society. I'm not sure if I'm exactly interested in a Sora route like most of the comments are requesting but I would like to know if there will be a walkthrough released or if you could provide some tips as to how to get the happy routes for Haruto/Kazuya

Will this game ever be made to be supported by mac devices? It looks amazing and the guys look really cool (I'm especially interested in Joseph lol) but my computer is a mac